Virtual Shipwreck and Hoard Map by Daniel Frank Sedwick, LLC
Virtual Map with approximate shipwreck or hoard general locations sorted by date. Zoom-in to see the location and click the icon to retrieve information about the wreck.
"Tumbaga wreck" (1538)
"Golden Fleece wreck" (1550)
Spanish 1554 Fleet (1554)
Espadarte (1558)
Santiago (1585)
"Yucatán wreck" (1590)
San Martin (1618)
“Rill Cove wreck” (1618)
Atocha (1622)
Santa Margarita (1622)
"Dry Tortugas wreck" (ca. 1622)
São José (1622)
“Lucayan Beach wreck” (ca. 1628)
Concepción (1641)
Capitana (1654)
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