AUTHENTICATION AND CERTIFICATION: Our verbal opinion in person is
always free, and you can usually bring your items to major coin shows around the
country. You are also welcome to consult with us via email, text, or WhatsApp,
and send photos of the material you wish to sell or research. However, we
cannot provide an opinion on authenticity based solely on a photograph. While we
can offer insights on the type of coin, potential provenance, and other aspects,
our policy requires an in-person examination for definitive authenticity
assessments. Additionally, please note that we cannot comment on pricing for
items that are being negotiated or sold by a third party. For our updated policy
on certification, please follow this link.
(effective Feb. 1, 2023 - updated May 1, 2023)
CATALOGING, AND/OR CONSULTING: These services are provided exclusively on
a contractual basis to ensure a tailored and comprehensive approach. For
specific needs, we encourage you to inquire about the availability of these
services, as each engagement is evaluated on a case-by-case basis to best meet
your requirements. Service fees are variable and are determined by the
complexity, scope, and duration of the work involved. This allows us to deliver
a customized solution that aligns with your objectives.
AUCTION COMMISSION BIDDING: Unable to attend an auction in person?
Concerned about overbidding or missing out on the coin you desire? We offer
professional bidding services for most major coin auctions within our field
across the U.S. and internationally throughout the year. For a standard fee, we
will meticulously inspect the lots you're interested in, provide strategic
bidding advice, and execute your bids on your behalf with the utmost discretion
and anonymity.
*Please be advised that we are happy to provide auction estimates for
potential consignments or direct purchase offers. However, due to our company
policy, we are unable to comment on items or pricing offered by other sellers.
This includes providing opinions on third-party valuations or advising on
pricing strategies for external sales.
Daniel Frank Sedwick, LLC P.O. BOX 1964 | Winter Park, Florida 32790 Phone: 407.975.3325 | Fax: 407.975.3327
We welcome your order, want lists, comments, material for sale or consignment and suggestions. Please send email to: